
Latest login: Russia Russia


Yo, wuhddup. I primarily play Counter Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, Battlefield(Bad Company 2, 3, 4, Hardline). I trying to get back into the Battlefield scene as well as playing more CS:GO. So if you want to know why I'm decent at aiming and shooting, CS is your answer. I also love anime so yeah man.

First Marine Division Leader, 3rd Armored Battalion(Code name: Wolfpack) CO, FMD Events Coordinator. Contact me if your clan wants to have a Match or Scrim.

Note: First Marine Division has been placed on temporary hiatus.

Xbox Gamertag: MekNCheeZ
Steam: FimbiZevert..♥
Origin: FimbiZevert

My PC Specs:
CPU---Intel i5-4670k
RAM----16GB Corsair Vengeance
GPU----Gigabyte GTX 780
Motherboard----MSI G45
SSD----Samsung 120GB SSD
HDD----Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB
Case----Corsair Air 540
OS----Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Garvent78 is only sharing this with friends.


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