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United States
Hi my name is Hill and I like to fly Jets :p
★ Top 5 Ranked Pilot on the DF Ladder ★
★ Wingman of MoparMatthew ★
Here's my Twitch and Youtube, Please Subscribe :)
► www.twitch.tv/SilencedHill
► www.youtube.com/user/SilencedHill
★ Battlefield 3 - Team Agony ★
► 100 SS Jet Pilot - Top 1v1 Dogfighter
► 100 SS Heli Pilot - TV Missile Hacker
Battlefield 4 - All I really do in BF4 is 1v1 competitive dogfighting in the jets... When I do play pubs on occasion though I like to tank and just mess around and do a bit of everything. I don't care about stats in this game :p
★ Top 5 Ranked Pilot on the DF Ladder ★
★ Wingman of MoparMatthew ★
Here's my Twitch and Youtube, Please Subscribe :)
► www.twitch.tv/SilencedHill
► www.youtube.com/user/SilencedHill
★ Battlefield 3 - Team Agony ★
► 100 SS Jet Pilot - Top 1v1 Dogfighter
► 100 SS Heli Pilot - TV Missile Hacker
Battlefield 4 - All I really do in BF4 is 1v1 competitive dogfighting in the jets... When I do play pubs on occasion though I like to tank and just mess around and do a bit of everything. I don't care about stats in this game :p
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