
Latest login: United States United States


I've been to Iran, France, Russia, and China, earned over 437 medals, 22694 Ribbons, 50588 kills, and have driven, flown, sailed, run, and fought all over these places. Just from my Xbox.

Centurion 1-1 = Heymac2 (Commander 1-0)
Centurion 1-2 = CrownedPeak31
Centurion 1-3 = GOOBER562
Centurion 1-4 =
Centurion 1-5 =

Centurion 2-1 = ThePhantomPainV
Centurion 2-2 = PorkinLEpigs
Centurion 2-3 = TANGO DOWN Y2K (Commander 2-0)
Centurion 2-4 =
Centurion 2-5 = FWSpLiFfMaSter

Centurion 3-1 = IceScytheX
Centurion 3-2 = prestonzebell
Centurion 3-3 =
Centurion 3-4 =
Centurion 3-5 =

If you want in my clan, Callsign Centurion, just shoot me a message and I'll respond ASAP.


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