Just a fun loving knitting instructor from Georgia competing in a little whoop ass.
A girl gamer who makes men get in the damn kitchen and make her a sandwich. I own a large multigaming clan called War Games which plays games like BF, Cs:Go, Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft, Firefall, APB, and many more. No more losing your friends as you go from game to game. Play with War Games with me.
wgmg.enjin.com wgmg.enjinvoice.com Join Us!
Scorpina-Leader and Founder
wgmg.enjinvoice.com- teamspeak
wgmg.enjin.com - Website
A girl gamer who makes men get in the damn kitchen and make her a sandwich. I own a large multigaming clan called War Games which plays games like BF, Cs:Go, Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft, Firefall, APB, and many more. No more losing your friends as you go from game to game. Play with War Games with me.
wgmg.enjin.com wgmg.enjinvoice.com Join Us!
Scorpina-Leader and Founder
wgmg.enjinvoice.com- teamspeak
wgmg.enjin.com - Website
IScorpinaI is only sharing this with friends.