Shadowed is thine hand that feedeth the beast
Lay your body down for the feast
With a forked tongue I giveth my speech
Horned is thine head
Hooved are thine feet
I can see it all from here...
No it doesn't look good...
But from my point of view, it looks about half it should...
We wont make it long enough to see the gods, no angels, just fire, screaming and crying.
Lay your body down for the feast
With a forked tongue I giveth my speech
Horned is thine head
Hooved are thine feet
I can see it all from here...
No it doesn't look good...
But from my point of view, it looks about half it should...
We wont make it long enough to see the gods, no angels, just fire, screaming and crying.
ImpendingDoomII is only sharing this with friends.