Latest login:
- Name: Michael. J
- Wohnort: Schweiz (Aargau)
- Alter: 20 (09.11.1995)
- Playstation 4
- Dualshock 4
- FPS Freaks
- Astro A50 Headset
- BenQ RL2455HM
- 1st BF-League "Conquest" <<GFM eSport>> BC2
- 1st BFBL BF3
- 1st DeSBL S3 BF3
- 1st Suicidare Cup BF3
- 1st Revenge Cup BF3
- 1st World end Cup BF3
- 2end Glory Series Season 1 BF4
- 1st ESL Test Cup#2 BFH
- 1st G4G "The Sound of Da Police" 30.05.2015
- 2end G4G "Camp d'entraînement" 16.06.2015
- 3rd G4G "Camp d'entraînement" 27.06.2015
BF3 Match counter: +100
BF4 Match counter: 91
BFH Match 71
Skype: JaYxLiVinG
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JaYxLiVinG
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCIZn2cL8yENm_VbTfJNGLzg
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/jayxliving
Speedtest: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3908995696
- Name: Michael. J
- Wohnort: Schweiz (Aargau)
- Alter: 20 (09.11.1995)
- Playstation 4
- Dualshock 4
- FPS Freaks
- Astro A50 Headset
- BenQ RL2455HM
- 1st BF-League "Conquest" <<GFM eSport>> BC2
- 1st BFBL BF3
- 1st DeSBL S3 BF3
- 1st Suicidare Cup BF3
- 1st Revenge Cup BF3
- 1st World end Cup BF3
- 2end Glory Series Season 1 BF4
- 1st ESL Test Cup#2 BFH
- 1st G4G "The Sound of Da Police" 30.05.2015
- 2end G4G "Camp d'entraînement" 16.06.2015
- 3rd G4G "Camp d'entraînement" 27.06.2015
BF3 Match counter: +100
BF4 Match counter: 91
BFH Match 71
Skype: JaYxLiVinG
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JaYxLiVinG
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCIZn2cL8yENm_VbTfJNGLzg
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/jayxliving
Speedtest: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3908995696
JaYxLiVinG is only sharing this with friends.