BLMa Bloodmare Elites- Clan leader. #1 in shotguns, #1 Handguns and #1 in melee 1 handed in the world basically #1 if modders would just kill them self. I have created 5 BLMa Perks known as your Bloodmare ENCHANTMENTS. The enchantments i have created is what will make you uniuqe from every clan in the world in the battlefield beta and i wil also gift to you my class of assassin. I have been leading this clan for one year and we are now the champions of hardline by conquering victory over the HeLL clan AKA HUNT clan. The clan was created for those who cannot access their BL account. So Bloodmare Elites recruit those that can't join an official BFH/BF4 Platoon. The clan was Founded by Jester4CH and Co-Leaded by MrDesertPunk Decemember of 2017. We have achieve victorys over ETH,FARE,HeLL, OTSL, WEBR, 21G, and more... Lord_of_Arcosian is my organizer of the online platoon. Contact him if your applying through and he will contact 1 of 3 Head Leaders.