
Latest login: Sweden Sweden


Playing Battlefield in "Normal mode" is the disability and playing in "Hardcore mode" is the reality.

"Disability" mode is most often played by statistic geeks to keep their stats up which nobody else are interested of anyway. But it makes the geek feel good and succesful in absence of other successes in life.

"Reality" mode is played by the adventurers who appreciates the unforseen and has to keep their creativity up to stay alive and by this develop their skills.

This is why I am a proud member of DAeS. We appreciate the unforseen more than the statistics and we enjoy the adventure instead of being a number on a list.
"Friendship and true loyalty is the strongest skills to choose your partner in the front." #

# JoMaSoLiEb, Hell of a soldier on Battlefield

JoMaSoLiEb is only sharing this with friends.


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