Joe, BF Veteran, Retired BF3/BF4 comp player, BF1 pleb
Why are you so bad?: well I do wank whilst playing
Why do I insult people: I blame da person reading this
Why do I TBAG: cause my balls like to get deep *Ahh yeah*
Why am I so condescending/sarcastic: I just am, cry me a river
Do I use M&K?: Not since 2013/14
Check these plebs out:
Saraoui: One of my closest comp friends, sold his Xbox now
War Bot 3000: on twitch, awesome/best friend and a funny rager
GrizzleBF: check him out on twitch also, been a follower since 2012
DarkArrow4480nl: helps out the community with Easter Eggs etc
Proactivealex: He can be a pleb but funny most of the time...
Stodeh: one of the best and most skilled snipers out there, check his twitch
MissEllaCronin: She is kinda new to Battlefield but has quickly learn't our ways and is a great medic.
and lastly, *All of my BF3 and BF4 5v5 scrim friends, all moved on to bigger and better things, God bless and stay safe brothers*
Why are you so bad?: well I do wank whilst playing
Why do I insult people: I blame da person reading this
Why do I TBAG: cause my balls like to get deep *Ahh yeah*
Why am I so condescending/sarcastic: I just am, cry me a river
Do I use M&K?: Not since 2013/14
Check these plebs out:
Saraoui: One of my closest comp friends, sold his Xbox now
War Bot 3000: on twitch, awesome/best friend and a funny rager
GrizzleBF: check him out on twitch also, been a follower since 2012
DarkArrow4480nl: helps out the community with Easter Eggs etc
Proactivealex: He can be a pleb but funny most of the time...
Stodeh: one of the best and most skilled snipers out there, check his twitch
MissEllaCronin: She is kinda new to Battlefield but has quickly learn't our ways and is a great medic.
and lastly, *All of my BF3 and BF4 5v5 scrim friends, all moved on to bigger and better things, God bless and stay safe brothers*