Entered the German Federal Border Police Force in 1994 at the top of his cadet class. Stationed at Saarbrücken, 1994-98. Recruited into Germany's elite counter-terrorist force, GSG-9 in 1998. Completed GSG-9 training in record time, again at the top of his class. Temporarily attached to GSG-9/1, the group's primary CT strike unit, before reassignment to RAINBOW. Walther is currently the newest member of the RAINBOW team. He is a quick learner and an exceptional team member, following every order without hesitation or question. Although his primary training was as member of an assault team, he is also well-versed in wire-tapping and electronic surveillance. His assignment to RAINBOW reflects the German government's long-term commitment to international CT collaboration.
Born in Saarbrücken, married since 1996. No children.
bf2: http://spieler-daten.de/bf2_stats/49641548
bc2: http://bfbcs.com/stats_pc/joerg%20walther
Born in Saarbrücken, married since 1996. No children.
bf2: http://spieler-daten.de/bf2_stats/49641548
bc2: http://bfbcs.com/stats_pc/joerg%20walther
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