Remember where you came from, because in the end, that's all that really mattered.
Past teams : cF(MLG Disband) dN(left cus mad) CyS(left cus bad) Enix(disband cus of Dre)
Randies of Significance : Dre Unreal the randy RyAnNnN RLution Kimcheez StrAaAangeR RaZooOoR CasTiYaaAa stromvatar Turdstain911 CyZeD Netcoded ...tbh I forgot the rest, bitch at me if you care
Quotes worth Mentioning : I only use Net tools to make the game fair for me - InSighT SphynX 2014-2015
His helicopter was lagging - Shotquns 2014-2015
Shut the fuck up - Dre
My girlfriend sucked me off during clan matches sometimes - RLution