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ReaperOne APIII -the one and only Original
Long Range Surveillance Unit
The 82nd Special Forces
When the time comes, I will be your Overwatch
The body that just dropped behind you.. Your Welcome he had a knife with your name on it

“I’ve lived the literal meaning of the ‘land of the free’ and ‘home of the brave.’ It’s not corny for me. I feel it in my heart. I feel it in my chest. Even at a ball game, when someone talks during the anthem or doesn’t take off his hat, it pisses me off. I’m not one to be quiet about it, either.”
By and In Honor of the Best Sniper known Chris Kyle

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not shoot,
The courage to shoot the things I can,
and the wisdom to hide the bodies. (unknown)

"671 grains of diplomacy"
"invisible soles leave .308 holes"
"bolt actions speak louder than words"
"sniping is poetry in slow motion, up until you pull the trigger"

==We were doing an ACB readiness inspection
  • KBNxDeItaOneSix ranked up:
    Corporal V
    Rank 15
  • KBNxDeItaOneSix started playing Final Stand for Battlefield 4
    • 4 all-new multiplayer maps set in cold, northern Russia
    • 2 new experimental Battle Pickups: XD-1 Accipiter, a remote controlled weaponized drone and Rorsch MK-1, a handheld railgun
    • 1 new stationary weapon: the Schipunov 42 multi-barrel gun
    • 1 new gadget: DS-3 Decoy, a disinformation device
    • 1 new attachment: Target Detector, an automated spotting device
    • 2 new vehicles: a fast, agile snowmobile and the HT-95 Levkov hover tank prototype
    • 13 new assignments with unlocks for each (5 Premium exclusive)
  • KBNxDeItaOneSix started playing Premium for Battlefield 4
    • Five digital expansion packs featuring new multiplayer maps and in-game content
    • Two-week early access to all five expansion packs for an edge on the competition
    • New content every week
  • KBNxDeItaOneSix started playing China Rising for Battlefield 4
    • 4 multiplayer maps taking place across the Chinese mainland
    • Air Superiority Game Mode
    • 5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4 and 2 additional gadgets
    • 2 new land and air vehicles
    • 10 new assignments with their own unlocks
  • KBNxDeItaOneSix started playing Second Assault for Battlefield 4
    • 4 fan-favorite maps redesigned with the power of Frostbite 3
    • Capture the Flag game mode
    • 5 weapons re-mastered for Battlefield 4
    • Dune Buggy (DPV) vehicle makes its return to the Battlefield
    • 10 new assignments with their own unlocks
  • KBNxDeItaOneSix started playing Naval Strike for Battlefield 4
    • 4 all-new multiplayer maps set in the South China Sea
    • 2 additional gadgets and 5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4
    • Introducing the amphibious hovercraft vehicle
    • Carrier Assault game mode which is a re-imagining of the classic Battlefield 2142 Titan Mode
    • 10 new assignments with their own unlocks
  • KBNxDeItaOneSix started playing Dragon's Teeth for Battlefield 4
    • 4 all-new multiplayer maps set in Asian cities
    • 5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4
    • 2 new gadgets: Ballistic Shield and the R.AW.R. unmanned ground vehicle
    • Link together capture points to win the battle in the new Chain Link game mode
    • 10 new assignments with unlocks for each


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