Latest login:
Das Headshot, it be nice.
Ms. Code of the Dead H4cKors Pride
Trophy case: vermbanubis 5-2,greenbolt 10-0,uthk 6-3,zell 7-5,blackice 8-7,enigma 12-13, f5 alex 3-3, Rayman 1-1, TEC 4-5, wavelgod 6-4, goldensamus 12-15
The only mpher to outsmart and curb stomp uthk, greenbolt and vermanubis at their own game, but i respect them tho <3
P226,mister mario 1, the dmk clan, tankgirl, lady waste paint, mr.bullet, XxZhellxX, FH clan
GT alt : xLadyxCodex
GT Main: Ms.??? ( Main GT is private tho ;) )
Bring it on Bit*h, I'll be at it all day.
Only add people I know :s
Desde España con amor, el único, Lady Code
This is not my real GT for bf so don't start to hate -_-, I can do alot of sh*t to make you rage quit.
Ms. Code of the Dead H4cKors Pride
Trophy case: vermbanubis 5-2,greenbolt 10-0,uthk 6-3,zell 7-5,blackice 8-7,enigma 12-13, f5 alex 3-3, Rayman 1-1, TEC 4-5, wavelgod 6-4, goldensamus 12-15
The only mpher to outsmart and curb stomp uthk, greenbolt and vermanubis at their own game, but i respect them tho <3
P226,mister mario 1, the dmk clan, tankgirl, lady waste paint, mr.bullet, XxZhellxX, FH clan
GT alt : xLadyxCodex
GT Main: Ms.??? ( Main GT is private tho ;) )
Bring it on Bit*h, I'll be at it all day.
Only add people I know :s
Desde España con amor, el único, Lady Code
This is not my real GT for bf so don't start to hate -_-, I can do alot of sh*t to make you rage quit.