سبحـــان الله و بحمــده - اللهم صلي و سلم و بارك على سيدنا محمد
استغفرك ربي و أتوب إليك
AL-Gathafi , Libyan , 21 old , EE Student
Veteran BF [BF3/BF4/HL/BF1]
[PS4 - PC ] Player, AND [ ADOBE-VEGAS] Editor
Conn. Speed : - 2Mb , Latency : (120-150 ms ) EU Servers , shitty hitreg
Strandard DS4 + Normal Kontrol freak
Experience : Nearly +1500 Hour .
If you got rekt by me , it's not that i'm better than you,
it's luck :)
Cool 60fps stream :
►' SupreMe ! ' | Battlefield 4 Fragmovie #6
►'' KINGS NEVER DIE ! '' l Battlefield4 Fragmovie #5
► 'AiM' l
استغفرك ربي و أتوب إليك
AL-Gathafi , Libyan , 21 old , EE Student
Veteran BF [BF3/BF4/HL/BF1]
[PS4 - PC ] Player, AND [ ADOBE-VEGAS] Editor
Conn. Speed : - 2Mb , Latency : (120-150 ms ) EU Servers , shitty hitreg
Strandard DS4 + Normal Kontrol freak
Experience : Nearly +1500 Hour .
If you got rekt by me , it's not that i'm better than you,
it's luck :)
Cool 60fps stream :
►' SupreMe ! ' | Battlefield 4 Fragmovie #6
►'' KINGS NEVER DIE ! '' l Battlefield4 Fragmovie #5
► 'AiM' l