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unMake__Shaka [ON] PSN
sRMake__Shaka [ON] ORIGIN
MTG2513 [OFF]

★ Mateus Travassos Gadelha ☆
★XVII years ☆
★ Clan : I'M BACK sRForLife x5 [sR] ♡♡♡ || CQ [aMz] ☆


♕1st CBx10 investida season 1 (MH)
♕1st Oblit championship season 1 (MH)
♕1st Dominação - E-WARS (NeX)
♕1st Squad Oblit - The Legends Cup Season 5 (uN)
♕1st Squad Oblit - Ultimate Championship (HELL)
♕1st Squad Oblit - Battefield 4 Legends Cup Season 3 (HELL)
♕1st Squad Oblit - Best Team Pro Cup Season 1 (MH)
♕1st Squad Oblit. 5v5 - Copa Battlefield PS3 Season 2 (WT)
♕1st Squad Obli. 5x5 - Copa battlefield Season 3 [ WT/sR ]
♕1st Domination 5x5 - Legends Championship LGC (Invicto) S1 [ FrZ ]
♕1st Squad Obli. 5x5 - The Legends CUP #Oneday (invicto) S4 [ sR ]
♕1st Squad Obli. 5x5 - Golden Cup (BGC) (Invicto) S1 [ sR ]
♕2nd Squad Obli. 5x5 - Golden Cup (BGC) S2 [ InV/sR ]
♕2nd Domination 5x5 - World Championship PS3 S3 [ sR ]
♕3rd Domination 5x5 - World Championship PS3 S1 [ sR ]


25 Friends