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Ninjas Elite Clan is currently recruiting members for daily clan platoons and clan battles. NO STATS REQUIRED!

We offer a website, forums, prized clan tournaments & clan events. We are an active, friendly & mature community with tons of energy & sportsmanship. We conduct clan battles all week & we gift FREE stuff in clan battles daily. We also compete in BF3 PC and PS3 and BF4 PC and PS3 tournaments & events.

Apply today by registering your Clan iNiN Portal Forums Account on our clan website at and join our Clan #NiNDiscord Voice Server at for gifts.

Also, watch our BF3 and BF4 #NiNStreams at for prizes! And read our BF3 and BF4 commentaries and blog posts on our Clan #NiNBlog at for gifts and prizes!

Thanks and #NiNFTW "NiN For The Win" o7 "salute"
NiN-Holly234 is only sharing this with friends.


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