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Best support in the game...
-Number one support score world
-Number one LMG kills world
-Number one destroyer with the best gun of all... the indefatigable MG4 world
-Number two squad wipe world
-Number seven score world.
-Number seven kills world.
-Number eleven MVP world.
-Number twelve headshot world.
If you don't like the facts then come show me what you got in MLK 24/7 hardcore locker!
And to you assault noobs... camping on a med pack and slinging a noob tube doesn't make you good. Grow a pair, get some skill and pick up an LMG!
-Number one support score world
-Number one LMG kills world
-Number one destroyer with the best gun of all... the indefatigable MG4 world
-Number two squad wipe world
-Number seven score world.
-Number seven kills world.
-Number eleven MVP world.
-Number twelve headshot world.
If you don't like the facts then come show me what you got in MLK 24/7 hardcore locker!
And to you assault noobs... camping on a med pack and slinging a noob tube doesn't make you good. Grow a pair, get some skill and pick up an LMG!
OculusMortisI is only sharing this with friends.