Latest login:
United Kingdom
Infantry & Armour(UK Based player).
Teams i have been involved with:
TE5 (Joined 2011) -Community/Comp Leader.
TEE5 (Sub Comp/Community Team of TE5- The Euro Elite 5 formed 2012... which then led onto Team Rain's Formation.
Team Special Forces-S4-Player
Team Wired- Player, organiser
Team Bomb-PS4- General Fun Platoon and some comp
XB1- Velocity II TE5 = 2015-18 Retired, scouting for new talent & working with community development (TE5 Old School Member) #TE5 4lyfe
As of 2021: Active as one of 2 leaders for European section of TE5 tags [TE5e]
RECRUITING. Please message to enquire more how to join our discord, team.
Requirements to join TE5: Microphone, 18+ (mature), Battlefield Veterans, blueberries alike. Message to add me on here, TE5 Phoenix is my xbox live gamertag (please contact me for further info, thanks).
Teams i have been involved with:
TE5 (Joined 2011) -Community/Comp Leader.
TEE5 (Sub Comp/Community Team of TE5- The Euro Elite 5 formed 2012... which then led onto Team Rain's Formation.
Team Special Forces-S4-Player
Team Wired- Player, organiser
Team Bomb-PS4- General Fun Platoon and some comp
XB1- Velocity II TE5 = 2015-18 Retired, scouting for new talent & working with community development (TE5 Old School Member) #TE5 4lyfe
As of 2021: Active as one of 2 leaders for European section of TE5 tags [TE5e]
RECRUITING. Please message to enquire more how to join our discord, team.
Requirements to join TE5: Microphone, 18+ (mature), Battlefield Veterans, blueberries alike. Message to add me on here, TE5 Phoenix is my xbox live gamertag (please contact me for further info, thanks).
PhoenixTE5e is only sharing this with friends.