Former 1st Patriots Division Commander and founder. Also 1st Tank Battalion callsign " Rhinos or Spartans" Commander. SWAT officer becoming an 19k for the US Army NC National Guard then go to active duty Armor Officer. Born and raised in NC. I know 6 martial arts. Trained on dozens of weapons. I like hunting, fishing Xbox, reading, writing , drawing, building models , shooting guns , collecting swords and cooking.Ultimate motto. Be a leader and a man that when your time is done the only thing that can be said about you was why did you take that bullet for me. John 15:13
Death Before Dismount Army strong
previously known as Commandertj1
previously served units 1PD (CO) , 1FR (contractor work) , 1st Armored Division 1st TB CO xbox360. 3rd Armored Division 1st Platoon CO xbox360.
16AA Tank School instructor.
Predatorkingtj won a round of Conquest Large on Gulf Of Oman 2014