Predatorkingtj won a round of Conquest Large on Gulf Of Oman 2014
Former 1st Patriots Division Commander and founder. Also 1st Tank Battalion callsign " Rhinos or Spartans" Commander. SWAT officer becoming an 19k for the US Army NC National Guard then go to active duty Armor Officer. Born and raised in NC. I know 6 martial arts. Trained on dozens of weapons. I like hunting, fishing Xbox, reading, writing , drawing, building models , shooting guns , collecting swords and cooking.Ultimate motto. Be a leader and a man that when your time is done the only thing that can be said about you was why did you take that bullet for me. John 15:13
Death Before Dismount Army strong
previously known as Commandertj1
previously served units 1PD (CO) , 1FR (contractor work) , 1st Armored Division 1st TB CO xbox360. 3rd Armored Division 1st Platoon CO xbox360.
16AA Tank School instructor.
Death Before Dismount Army strong
previously known as Commandertj1
previously served units 1PD (CO) , 1FR (contractor work) , 1st Armored Division 1st TB CO xbox360. 3rd Armored Division 1st Platoon CO xbox360.
16AA Tank School instructor.