Boyyy. Meld dich mal
Rana Power!
Tank Skills and only good Rounds. RIP German Noobs!
Founder Vetrox Clan (Vx)
Get rekt the German Community ;)
208 Kills on 1600TK Locker 12vs12 ;)
Tank <3
||-Konus-|| second Acc xD
DontBannLarry second Acc <3
DontBannHarry Best Medic :*
Tank Skills and only good Rounds. RIP German Noobs!
Founder Vetrox Clan (Vx)
Get rekt the German Community ;)
208 Kills on 1600TK Locker 12vs12 ;)
Tank <3
||-Konus-|| second Acc xD
DontBannLarry second Acc <3
DontBannHarry Best Medic :*