MrCatRe and
Rabid_how098 are now friends
嗨各位好 ! 我叫098,我是個小鳥駕駛員,有興趣的可以跟我一起玩大征服
歡迎各界愛鳥人士找我切磋小鳥 :D
會不定時刪除不常聯絡的好友 , 請見諒 !
Hello everyone ! Call me 098, I'm a little bird pilot, play with mouse and keyboard.
I will delete friends who is not usually connect with each others.
歡迎各界愛鳥人士找我切磋小鳥 :D
會不定時刪除不常聯絡的好友 , 請見諒 !
Hello everyone ! Call me 098, I'm a little bird pilot, play with mouse and keyboard.
I will delete friends who is not usually connect with each others.