Once upon a time there was a Med-Pack, it was green and chunky, with a fancy white cross on the side.
It was capable of using its nature-giving powers to heal and cure everyone around him.
Everyone loved the Med-Pack.
It also has a brother, the Ammo-Pack! Dark-Green and even more chunky, filled with little golden-shining objects called "Rounds", with the ability to provide a never ending flow of this golden Awesomeness.
The two where like best friends, always hanging around, helping the people around them.
So this is the End...
But wait! There is one Problem at this little-shiny-sweety Story:
No one uses them! They've fallen in a deep hole of feeling useless and unloved!
Stop this madness! Save the Little Help-o-Packos!
Use them in the fight for the glory of the whole team!