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I am trying to build good group of BF4 players to play with regularly and possible additions to my clan, the Dog Tag Collectors. Contrary to what the name implies, we do more than knifing - but we knife more than most! :) We aren't a competitive gaming clan (i.e. no mandatory practice sessions), but may enjoy some clan vs clan matches in the future.

I friend request people that I had a good experience playing with and that appear to be skilled, team oriented, mature players - mature as in level headed, not mature as in old. :) Friend request me if you like playing on our server or are interested in joining the DTC. Talking to me using in-game VOIP is a big plus - and is necessary if you want to join the clan. We get to know applicants via Mumble.

I would like to beef up our BF4 player numbers since many clan members moved on to other games. I only play BF4 and like all aspects of it. Read my clan app on our website to learn more about me.
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