nic153: Ein vielleicht unbekannter Name, welcher aber für n00bigkeit höchsten grades und ebensolchen Spaß steht. Ich nehm euch und das Spiel nicht ernst (außer ein paar viele Ausraster dazwischen, welche aber ganz lustig sein können). Have Fun und zurück auf Battlefield, Soldat.
For my english-speaking friends and watchers: Copy-paste the text below and put it in the google tranlator or read my bad english.
nic153: Maybe it's an unknown name for you, but it promise you high-skilled n00bness and fun. I don't take you or the game sooooo serious (exept a lot of ragesscenes, which could be very funny, indeed). So have fun and go back to the Battlefield, soldier.
For my english-speaking friends and watchers: Copy-paste the text below and put it in the google tranlator or read my bad english.
nic153: Maybe it's an unknown name for you, but it promise you high-skilled n00bness and fun. I don't take you or the game sooooo serious (exept a lot of ragesscenes, which could be very funny, indeed). So have fun and go back to the Battlefield, soldier.
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