Clan: Vi et Armis. Latin for By force and Arms. We are active in competitive and casual BF4 play. Team win is more important than individual stats whether we are in a match or just casual gaming.
I am the founder of our competitive team and lead recruiter. Add me if interested in VEA. We are a close group that enjoys the casual and comp. play of BF4.
Website: www.veagaming.com
Teamspeak: veagaming.com (no port or password)
My moniker, Sgt.Fury, is inspired by the Stan Lee and Marvel Comics WWII series. Sgt.Fury (aka Nick Fury) and the Howling Commandos while often corny as most comics are was a very popular series that ran from 1963 to 1981. Sgt.Fury's name exemplifies my gaming style. Hard-charging, relentless ground warfare, always in pursuit of objectives, and kills.
I am the founder of our competitive team and lead recruiter. Add me if interested in VEA. We are a close group that enjoys the casual and comp. play of BF4.
Website: www.veagaming.com
Teamspeak: veagaming.com (no port or password)
My moniker, Sgt.Fury, is inspired by the Stan Lee and Marvel Comics WWII series. Sgt.Fury (aka Nick Fury) and the Howling Commandos while often corny as most comics are was a very popular series that ran from 1963 to 1981. Sgt.Fury's name exemplifies my gaming style. Hard-charging, relentless ground warfare, always in pursuit of objectives, and kills.
SgtFury is only sharing this with friends.