SourjyaRajiv added ! ! !1 HOT CHICKS | 24/7 Silk Road | 1pStart | EPS 60Hz as a favorite server
Acer Aspire E15 E5 575G 312R0 Notebook
Memory: 8GB
G.P.U: NVIDIA 940MX Gddr5 2GB
Intel Core i3 6100u Skylake Processor
Logitech G 400s Gaming Mouse
Razor Goliathus Gaming Mouse Pad
Skull Candy Normal In Ear Headphones With Mic.
Prodot $3.15 Poor Keyboard (Sed lyf ;_; )
Tarkan Usb Vaccum Cooler.
Cellular internet Connection. (ultra poor Lyf)
Memory: 8GB
G.P.U: NVIDIA 940MX Gddr5 2GB
Intel Core i3 6100u Skylake Processor
Logitech G 400s Gaming Mouse
Razor Goliathus Gaming Mouse Pad
Skull Candy Normal In Ear Headphones With Mic.
Prodot $3.15 Poor Keyboard (Sed lyf ;_; )
Tarkan Usb Vaccum Cooler.
Cellular internet Connection. (ultra poor Lyf)