
Latest login: Australia Australia


I am The Goose! I am here to send you to your ultimate fate. You'll make a fine quarry for my dog-tag hunt.

You are here because I have instilled fear or admiration in you on the battlefield.

Initially taught the art of knifing in BF4 by the legendary HMS_THUNDERCHILD & now a trusted knife running partner of DaFro_97, awedemon & FastCrusader.
I am a melee enthusiast who has only ever played in 8 "knife only" matches. My collection has been amassed in regular game modes in official servers.

Co-founder of the greatest melee platoon that the known universe has ever seen.

Death is measurable by the sharpness of a goose's beak.

"Run! Run from the Goose! Run before he takes our tags!" - Anyone on the opposite team to Steampunk Goose.

Every camper deserves the knife from right of prone.

Whether you admit it or not, the Goose knows & sees your fear.

***Bookings for appearances made within.***
Steampunk_Goose is only sharing this with friends.


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