Hey im steg, ledl leldl
Favorite video game charater: Maya "echo" Visari
Im the dedicated founder of 4thMSOB
Im the co-founder of ff4
And im a leader and actor in the forumfield film crew
If you wish to contact me you can do so by: sending me a psn message, posting in the public feed of 4thMSOB or ff4, or by posting in the forumfielders thread
MY FRIENDS LIST IS FULL. so i wont accept freind requests from randoms, if you want me to accept your friend request then contact me in one of the ways listed above and if you are interested in joining 4thMSOB just tell me so in 4thMSOB's public feed and i will accept your friend request
A little about me
I have bad spelling and grammar get used to it
I forumfield alot and you can usualy find me lurking in the forumfielders thread
I play bf4, watch dogs, and assassins creed the most
I use bf3 battlelog for forumfielding
Favorite video game charater: Maya "echo" Visari
Im the dedicated founder of 4thMSOB
Im the co-founder of ff4
And im a leader and actor in the forumfield film crew
If you wish to contact me you can do so by: sending me a psn message, posting in the public feed of 4thMSOB or ff4, or by posting in the forumfielders thread
MY FRIENDS LIST IS FULL. so i wont accept freind requests from randoms, if you want me to accept your friend request then contact me in one of the ways listed above and if you are interested in joining 4thMSOB just tell me so in 4thMSOB's public feed and i will accept your friend request
A little about me
I have bad spelling and grammar get used to it
I forumfield alot and you can usualy find me lurking in the forumfielders thread
I play bf4, watch dogs, and assassins creed the most
I use bf3 battlelog for forumfielding
Steg567 is only sharing this with friends.