For your viewing pleasure;
-66: Most knife kills in a round.
-176+: Most knife kills in a day. (Based off of the amount of melee ribbons in one 12Hr timeframe)
-3,101 meters: Longest Headshot using 40x SRR-61 on Golmud Railway.
-07DEC16=>DICE LA Solder Camo.
-12DEC16=>Final Phantom Tag.
-31???19=>Mastered ALL non-pickup primary and secondary weapons.
-04OCT19=>Saved from a knife while sniping from the Paracel Storm turbine by the lightning strike.
-08MAY20=>100K Kills.
-19JUN20=>613m HS using suppressed ACOG M40 (After 3 shots of DOPE)
-30OCT20=>Opened 669 Battlepacks that I had forgotten about.
-12MAR22=>DICE Solder Camo via Paracel Storm Megalodon Easter Egg.
-12NOV22=>Gold "DICE Friend" tag successfully taken!