Bach Mechanical Engineering - UoN 2014
i7 3770k - 4.1 GHz
Corsair H60 CPU Cooler
16GB Kingston Hyper X Predator RAM
2x 4GB GTX680 - OC 1071MHz
ASUS Z77 P8 Motherbaord
Corsair AX 860i PSU
120GB Samsung SSD
1TB Seagate HDD
27'' BenQ 2720T 120Hz
Logitech G9x Mouse
Ducky Shine 3 Keyboard - Cherry MX Brown
Logitech G27 Wheel / Pedals / Shifter
Audio-Technica AD700x Headphones
NBN Internet (Abbott doesnt want you to have this) - http://www.speedtest.net/result/3200625464.png
i7 3770k - 4.1 GHz
Corsair H60 CPU Cooler
16GB Kingston Hyper X Predator RAM
2x 4GB GTX680 - OC 1071MHz
ASUS Z77 P8 Motherbaord
Corsair AX 860i PSU
120GB Samsung SSD
1TB Seagate HDD
27'' BenQ 2720T 120Hz
Logitech G9x Mouse
Ducky Shine 3 Keyboard - Cherry MX Brown
Logitech G27 Wheel / Pedals / Shifter
Audio-Technica AD700x Headphones
NBN Internet (Abbott doesnt want you to have this) - http://www.speedtest.net/result/3200625464.png
That_Thickshake is only sharing this with friends.