Ayy its ya boi uh skinny penis
I eat ass ladies dm me
Aek whore <3
Sens in game:100%
Dank meymeyz
"Noob ban" rapira700
"You cheater I'll bann on psn" dimas_48rus
" fucke you" f16_hasson_2002
Desertbull1 "nice hacks"
XxO_PORTUGUESSxX "smell cheater"
Jk_fighter "new thing skitlez is hacking"
Deathct_500 "FUCK OFF"
Karol-_11 "you to but you play mouse because your movement is imposible an consol"
Karol-_11 "you on 100% play on mouse "
Karol-_11 "because you jump and squad and buuny hop strafe in right and left and an controler is it imposible"
Johnnyblaze6473 "SKITLES ?!?.......
You jump more than a mexican jumping bean !!!!! LOFL !!!!"
Karol-_11 "mouse"
Alconoid "съебись с сервака"
P_To_A "warum deutsche immer camper"
P_To_A "ah damage hack gg"
P_To_A "3 1 shots hurensoh"
I eat ass ladies dm me
Aek whore <3
Sens in game:100%
Dank meymeyz
"Noob ban" rapira700
"You cheater I'll bann on psn" dimas_48rus
" fucke you" f16_hasson_2002
Desertbull1 "nice hacks"
XxO_PORTUGUESSxX "smell cheater"
Jk_fighter "new thing skitlez is hacking"
Deathct_500 "FUCK OFF"
Karol-_11 "you to but you play mouse because your movement is imposible an consol"
Karol-_11 "you on 100% play on mouse "
Karol-_11 "because you jump and squad and buuny hop strafe in right and left and an controler is it imposible"
Johnnyblaze6473 "SKITLES ?!?.......
You jump more than a mexican jumping bean !!!!! LOFL !!!!"
Karol-_11 "mouse"
Alconoid "съебись с сервака"
P_To_A "warum deutsche immer camper"
P_To_A "ah damage hack gg"
P_To_A "3 1 shots hurensoh"