"Mogę zastrzelić tego kim nie jestem i żyć tak żeby nie było mnie na wizji"
Bout me
Age - 22
Country Poland
How long do i play games - since 2013
Battlefield and other games ranks
Battlefield 3 RANK - 84
Battlefield 4 RANK - 77
Battlefield Hardline RANK - 16
Medal Of Honor Warfighter RANK - 9
Also i have a Steam account if u want - Vertelele
Bout me
Age - 22
Country Poland
How long do i play games - since 2013
Battlefield and other games ranks
Battlefield 3 RANK - 84
Battlefield 4 RANK - 77
Battlefield Hardline RANK - 16
Medal Of Honor Warfighter RANK - 9
Also i have a Steam account if u want - Vertelele
Vertelele is only sharing this with friends.