
Latest login: Australia Australia


Battlefield - The one game I know that ends up being a smart investment with the amount of hours I give it. Playing the game because it is a game. It keeps raising the standard of all other FPS. Proud to say BF is a part of my life!

BFMC = Recon

BFBC = Recon, MBT, IFV

BFBC2 = Recon, Support, Mortar, Knife, Engineer, Mines, MBT

BF3 = MBT, IFV, Support, C4, LSAT, Knife, Jihad Jeep, Trolling

BF4 (So Far) = IFV, AA's, Engineer, Support, Assault, C4

Currently I only game on a recreational basis, enjoying playing the game as it is a game and game only, it is not the be all or end all of my existence. I am happy to game with others who share the same mentality even though I am a lone wolf of sorts. I am clanless at this time and am looking for people who like a bit of enemy trolling so the fun can be shared and a few laughs can be had. If you would like a level headed gamer in your clan just befriend me here on battlelog and we'll see where it goes from there.
Voodoopriest is only sharing this with friends.


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