Before you call me a hacker, please feel free to spectate me.
For all the haters I hope we could be friend someday even that day may never come.
My Pro Gaming Pc
►CPU - Intel Core i7 4790K
►CPU Cooler - Corsair Hydro H55 Quiet CPU Logitech Hard Surface G440
►Mobo - MSI Z97-Gaming 5 LGA1150
►GPU - NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980
►Ram - HyperX FURY 2x8GB DDR3 1866Mhz
►SSD - Samsung 850 Pro 512GB
►Case - Corsair SPEC-ALPHA Gaming Mid-Tower
►Power Supply - Corsair 750W 80+ Bronze CP-9020015-EU
Logitech G502
Mouse Pad Logitech G440
Logitech G633 Artemis Spectrum
My You tube channel
For all the haters I hope we could be friend someday even that day may never come.
My Pro Gaming Pc
►CPU - Intel Core i7 4790K
►CPU Cooler - Corsair Hydro H55 Quiet CPU Logitech Hard Surface G440
►Mobo - MSI Z97-Gaming 5 LGA1150
►GPU - NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980
►Ram - HyperX FURY 2x8GB DDR3 1866Mhz
►SSD - Samsung 850 Pro 512GB
►Case - Corsair SPEC-ALPHA Gaming Mid-Tower
►Power Supply - Corsair 750W 80+ Bronze CP-9020015-EU
Logitech G502
Mouse Pad Logitech G440
Logitech G633 Artemis Spectrum
My You tube channel