Top 30 Squad Score USA
Top 30 Accuracy USA
#1 Tank Operator in state
#1 Boat Operator in state
#1 Assault in state
#2 in the world for the UTS, my dragon. <3 (I know, I know)
#1 or 2 in the world for the 5.7
Founder of The 13th Legion(13th Legionaries)
I play almost exclusively HC CQ, but have played enough of everything over the years to know my way around each game mode.
I try to be the epitome of a team player. On foot, I am usually a Medic, but I play any class in a way that helps my teammates.
I tend to throw you meds before you have a chance to ask for em, and I revive.
In-game, I do my best to be MVP every time, but I do so by helping or leading my teammates and playing the objective pretty much 100% of the game. I encourage my players to all do the same. Developing our objective and squad-devoted play style has earned me a lot of great teammates whom I love to death..