Status Update (05-September-2016)
Haven't played any and probably will not be Battlefield 4...
It was fun playing BF4.
Tried BF1 open beta, might buy it after seeing how it is on release.
You may have better luck finding me on steam than Origin
SteamID: ashax
The one with the anime cat avatar going O.O
I'm probably gonna finish some of the single player games I bought on steam that I haven't played and maybe play some CS:GO and Overwatch
Battle.net ID: ashax#1307
Haven't played any and probably will not be Battlefield 4...
It was fun playing BF4.
Tried BF1 open beta, might buy it after seeing how it is on release.
You may have better luck finding me on steam than Origin
SteamID: ashax
The one with the anime cat avatar going O.O
I'm probably gonna finish some of the single player games I bought on steam that I haven't played and maybe play some CS:GO and Overwatch
Battle.net ID: ashax#1307
ashax13 is only sharing this with friends.