台灣製造。在地南部人。大家好~我叫『悟ㄚ』。很高興認識您 ^_^ 。☆如您也跟我一樣想解開魅影全任務的話,記得算我一份捏,四張地圖的狗牌我全收集到了,有興趣的玩家記得約我唷 ^3^ ★ ※台灣是個國家( TWN )。
Made in Taiwan. To people in the south. Hello everyone ~ I call "Wu ㄚ." Nice to meet you ^ _ ^. ☆ If you like me want to unpack Phantom full mission, remember Count me pinch, four maps of dog tags I totally collected, interested players remember about my yo ^ 3 ^ ★ ※ Taiwan is a country ( TWN).
Made in Taiwan. To people in the south. Hello everyone ~ I call "Wu ㄚ." Nice to meet you ^ _ ^. ☆ If you like me want to unpack Phantom full mission, remember Count me pinch, four maps of dog tags I totally collected, interested players remember about my yo ^ 3 ^ ★ ※ Taiwan is a country ( TWN).
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