Welcome To My Battlelog :)
Gaming rule #67
1v1 Doesn't prove anything :)
Gaming rule #68
5v5 prove only the best team ______________________________________________
TerMinaToR__IQ The Legend of hacker's ;-;
XxAhmed-DarkxX Scout LeGaNd <333
Musrati the best player with SMAW ;-; <333
AiM-Assist 4Life ;-;
eX-Member in nT <3333
Inactive :)
Gaming rule #67
1v1 Doesn't prove anything :)
Gaming rule #68
5v5 prove only the best team ______________________________________________
TerMinaToR__IQ The Legend of hacker's ;-;
XxAhmed-DarkxX Scout LeGaNd <333
Musrati the best player with SMAW ;-; <333
AiM-Assist 4Life ;-;
eX-Member in nT <3333
Inactive :)