Nickname vozduh NGe
Russian | competitive player
First clan Nemesis
My bros Jika, Enigma, Madgarry
Favorite guns ACE23 | АЕК-971 | M16A4 | ACW-R | G18
I use
PS4: original DS4 with KontrolFreek | CQC | Fantom
XBOX ONE: dual shock 4 + titan one tournament edition
sensitivity 100
zoom sensitivity 115 x 125% factor
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJlX2M07f0AHt55XZb_cRhA
Russian | competitive player
First clan Nemesis
My bros Jika, Enigma, Madgarry
Favorite guns ACE23 | АЕК-971 | M16A4 | ACW-R | G18
I use
PS4: original DS4 with KontrolFreek | CQC | Fantom
XBOX ONE: dual shock 4 + titan one tournament edition
sensitivity 100
zoom sensitivity 115 x 125% factor
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJlX2M07f0AHt55XZb_cRhA
iam_vozduh is only sharing this with friends.