----------------------------And now my watch is ended---------------------------------------
♛ Need New Haters ♛ Old one Became My Fans ♛-HALA MADRID-♛
------You will do nothing , because you can do nothing------
✔ 50k Attack Heli
✔ 60k Attack Heli
✔ 70k Attack Heli
❌ 80k Attack Heli
-My Ping disadvantage is the only advantage you have to kill me -
-Always up for 1v1 ✪ 2v2
-Your love makes me strong , Your Hate make me Unstoppable ♛ Cr7
-1st Clark achievement ✔- http://prntscr.com/hv14b6
Zowie FK1
♛ Need New Haters ♛ Old one Became My Fans ♛-HALA MADRID-♛
------You will do nothing , because you can do nothing------
✔ 50k Attack Heli
✔ 60k Attack Heli
✔ 70k Attack Heli
❌ 80k Attack Heli
-My Ping disadvantage is the only advantage you have to kill me -
-Always up for 1v1 ✪ 2v2
-Your love makes me strong , Your Hate make me Unstoppable ♛ Cr7
-1st Clark achievement ✔- http://prntscr.com/hv14b6
Zowie FK1
its_MSA_07 is only sharing this with friends.