I am a quantity player, a grinder, in this game. I don't really care about stats. my goal right now is to unlock stuff while doing conquest. sometimes I like teamwork without a mic. now that's mind reading at its finest. if you know how to spot, throw down packs, flank, look at the mini-map every 10 secs, take objectives, kill major threats to your team like tank and helicopter rapers and don't give up in a match and spawn in as recon then I'd like to play with you.
PS, I do have a mic but I use it sparsely (my inner voice likes to get out in this game)
I am a quantity player, a grinder, in this game. I don't really care about stats. my goal right now is to unlock stuff while doing conquest. sometimes I like teamwork without a mic. now that's mind reading at its finest. if you know how to spot, throw down packs, flank, look at the mini-map every 10 secs, take objectives, kill major threats to your team like tank and helicopter rapers and don't give up in a match and spawn in as recon then I'd like to play with you.
PS, I do have a mic but I use it sparsely (my inner voice likes to get out in this game)