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Member of C*O*P*S - Central Organization of Police Specialists
- Infantry
- Main Battle Tank
- Infantry Fighting Vehicle

1. Battlefield 4 PS4 Domination Softcore Season
- C*O*P*S vs Divide et Impera 2-0 (Infantry)
- C*O*P*S vs One United Power 2-0 (Infantry)

1. Battlefield 4 PS4 Conquest small Softcore Season
- C*O*P*S vs Semper Fidelis 2-0 (Main Battle Tank)
- C*O*P*S vs Divide et Impera 2-0 (Infantry Fighting Vehicle)
- C*O*P*S vs Death on Demand 2-0 (Main Battle Tank)
- C*O*P*S vs Unlimited Gaming 2-0 (Main Battle Tank)
- C*O*P*S vs violentResistance 2-0 (Main Battle Tank)

PS4 Cup by BFZ und CCG
- C*O*P*S vs German Brotherhood 2-0 (Infantry)
- C*O*P*S vs violentResistance 1-1 (1-0) (Infantry Fighting Vehicle)

Scrim - Domination
- C*O*P*S vs German Fight Machines 6-0, 5-1 (Infantry)

Scrim - Conquest
- C*O*P*S vs assholesBYnature 2-2 (Main Battle Tank)


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