
Latest login: Algeria Algeria


Old Account : Hakkou-Jr-Baggio BF1 & BF2 & BF3
rambo-baws BF 3 ( cuz Hakkou-Jr-Baggio ps3 burned)

BF2: 1st World Tanker with Hakkou-Jr-Baggio
BF2: Best position 13th Overal ( Lost 100 Position : Stop playing 5 mounths) with Hakkou-Jr-Baggio
BF3: 25th world Ratio K/D world with rambo-baws
BF4: 3rd world ratio K/D at the moment ( january 2015) there are other people who will come to rank after they died 100 times

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Play u anytime . dont be mad . dont tell me what i have to do or how i should to play . dont find excuses. War means no rules or go play Little-Big-Planet .

Je parle aussi français, Arabe classique et le dialecte Algérien .
lllBaGGiolll is only sharing this with friends.


91 Friends