Current goal: maintain 3+ kd
Past Goals:
Learn how to fly in BF4
100 kills w/ every gun [82/87]
1,000 kills with every assault rifle
1,000 kills w/ Xbow
100 col
100 Jet SS
(on 1/12/12) Col 100 in under 20 days of play time.
My stats then were;
Acc: 16.1%
k/d: 2.72, reset (200hrs): 3.25
spm: 897, reset (200hrs): 1186
Quits: 15%
✈ ✈ ✄ Flying since September 3, 2012 ✄ ✈ ✈
Jet SS 100: Bf3 (6/15/13)
Jet SS 100: Bf4 (TBA)
Competitive teams I've been in:
[D3vZ] Devils Reyects
(disbanded as Devils Rejects)
[APeX] Apex Predators <3
(disbanded into aMk)
[aMk] Almighty Killuminati
[aM] Almighty
[cF] Console Faction <3
Not to mention those hundreds of clans that fractors and bdog make that never really form and dissipate after a couple of days :)
Story of my life -->
Past Goals:
Learn how to fly in BF4
100 kills w/ every gun [82/87]
1,000 kills with every assault rifle
1,000 kills w/ Xbow
100 col
100 Jet SS
(on 1/12/12) Col 100 in under 20 days of play time.
My stats then were;
Acc: 16.1%
k/d: 2.72, reset (200hrs): 3.25
spm: 897, reset (200hrs): 1186
Quits: 15%
✈ ✈ ✄ Flying since September 3, 2012 ✄ ✈ ✈
Jet SS 100: Bf3 (6/15/13)
Jet SS 100: Bf4 (TBA)
Competitive teams I've been in:
[D3vZ] Devils Reyects
(disbanded as Devils Rejects)
[APeX] Apex Predators <3
(disbanded into aMk)
[aMk] Almighty Killuminati
[aM] Almighty
[cF] Console Faction <3
Not to mention those hundreds of clans that fractors and bdog make that never really form and dissipate after a couple of days :)
Story of my life -->