1st French and 6th worldwide with the HT-95 Levkov on BF4 PC.
1st French and 40th worldwide with the QBZ-95-1 on BF4 PC.
1st French and 10th worldwide with the L85A2 on BF3 PC.
RIP BF3 stats, can't update that part anymore... :'(
Levkov > all
L85 > all
Labrys > all
Levkov is Love, Levkov is Life, Levkov is Death (for you).
Some screenshots from different games: http://projectmato.imgur.com/
Destroying my ennemy team with the Levkov. - ☑
Aerial 180° no-scope tank kill with the Levkov. - ☑
Being an helpful teammate in every situations. - ☑
Mastering all primary weapons of BF3. - ☑
Punching my own screen out of rage because BF4 was glitched as fuck. - ☑