==> Thou shalt honour thy keyboard, thy mouse & thy controller
==> Thou shalt not make thyself a fanboy of any platform
==> Thou shalt not hack, aimbot or exploit for victory
==> Thou shalt not abuse anyone for any reason
==> Thou shalt value gameplay before graphics
==> Thou shalt not ragequit or blame lag
==> Thou shalt respect admins
==> Thou shalt not teamkill
==> Thou shalt killsteal
==> Thou shalt not make thyself a fanboy of any platform
==> Thou shalt not hack, aimbot or exploit for victory
==> Thou shalt not abuse anyone for any reason
==> Thou shalt value gameplay before graphics
==> Thou shalt not ragequit or blame lag
==> Thou shalt respect admins
==> Thou shalt not teamkill
==> Thou shalt killsteal