Aggressive Chopperpilot
Gunner: skY-Centerten
Second Gunner: ---------------------
NOTICE: I don't want to be your Pilot thanks.
Only add me if you have a reason!
If you want touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly!
BUT don't get in my Chopper !
Dont drink and Drive,
When u can smoke and fly.
Geforce GTX 970 IChill(inno3D)
16GB Ram
Intel Core I7
Asus Ranger VII
Razer Black Widdow
Razer Naga
10€ Billow Mikro :D
Aggressive Chopperpilot
Gunner: skY-Centerten
Second Gunner: ---------------------
NOTICE: I don't want to be your Pilot thanks.
Only add me if you have a reason!
If you want touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly!
BUT don't get in my Chopper !
Dont drink and Drive,
When u can smoke and fly.
Geforce GTX 970 IChill(inno3D)
16GB Ram
Intel Core I7
Asus Ranger VII
Razer Black Widdow
Razer Naga
10€ Billow Mikro :D
skY-Sydekum is only sharing this with friends.