
Latest login: Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


Jet and EOD-Bot Dogfighter!

I'm a very happy and positive thinking person :)

Once I kill those dogfighter I will celebrate and organize a big party in my village with a lot of hookers and meat for everyone:

- elgrims
- nikis90
- kowalski690
- blowsuaway
- yusufbekir
- al3tyby51
- Night_bsb
- sant 161

Already had that kind of celebration after killing those great dogfighter:

- dash4783
- CoolGangster7
- Doctor_Peerless
- Croko_Amukolo

I'm loving our dogfight community for being kind and polite most of times. <3
Except all the inactive players who join df tournaments and ladders only for reputation (?), and just not doing a single match!


25 Friends