"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, i'm level 140, you're not bruuuuuh c:"
After 913h and 43Min i wasted my Time on Battlefield, i finally get Level 140. It was a fcking nice round on Shanghai with the Attack Chopper! Thank you Joxxys20 to be my Gunner!
But now, it's time to quit this game, now it's fcking NeedForSpeed Time boyz <3
Much Thanks goes to:
-Brafeldumm-My first Main Gunner
- Loganissimo-He shoot my Heli down every time before i get good ;)
-Br4iNO-I watch his streams and since then i can fly Attack Chopper ;)
-Guys like Meduniwien, who support me at beginning
-Guys like PrOlin_187, |Pair-of-Wings, Big_Al who fly with me and help me