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Created: 2014-02-27

47,070 / 83,000

520h 18m


Also, if some of you dont know me (leaders and founders) i am TheRealDeal124 i am one of the top players in my state (skill,spm) and i play with many of you members on the weekends.
10 years ago • 0 Like
K/D: 2.00 (as of right now) /skill around 400 /spm 800-1,200 (Just to point out if wondering)
10 years ago
This guy is TheRealDeal
10 years ago
Help Me, Help You: How Ground Support Helps Pilots

1) Spot Enemy Armor

This can not be stressed enough. As good as a pilot as even I am, the jets can't just be stopped to see where enemy armor is coming from. Calling out a location narrows it down, but "Tank at A!" is not the same a a giant red tank, attack boat, jeep, APC, etc logo above the enemy. It is as simple as mashing down a button; I do it for you when I'm passing above the enemy, please do it for me.

2) My Enemies Are Your Enemies

If I'm not attacking armor, I must be running away from Stingers, Iglas, or Mobile AA. The attack jet, even in the best hands, can not function at its best if the map is cut in half. Stingers are massively overpowered now, worse than BF3; and when I'm calling out their position over mic, let it be known that this is a 450m dome that I can not fly through until they are suppressed. The Mobile Anti-Air vehicle, at full unlock, has radar guided missiles that will disable my jet with less than a second of warning. Suppress and take them down; clear my path and I will bulldoze the enemy.

3) Spot the Enemy Jets and Helicopters

This is a hidden tip that isn't known widely, but you know that automated anti-air gun back at the base? It will only fire on enemy air vehicles that are spotted. It will tear them up if they try to camp our base, and give me the time to get airborne and back in the fight.

4) Helicopters and Jets are Reserved For Pilots

If you don't want to use a vehicle for it's intended function, DON'T GET IN IT. There should not be any jet-powered, single-person, transports in Battlefield. Dear, Recon; If there isn't a ladder or stairwell up to it, you were never intended to get up there. Don't use one of the vehicles that can destroy the enemy in seconds AS A TAXI.
10 years ago • 1 Like
thanks for the tip #3 i was wondering why sometimes it shot at enemy air craft and sometimes it didnt now i know
10 years ago
Finally got the chance to change my clan tag and i also had applied
10 years ago • 0 Like
make a scrimage T15 ???
10 years ago • 0 Like
add me
10 years ago
Coffin-Filler quit POW....again
10 years ago • 2 likes
lol imagine that... i never even knew he was back...
10 years ago
10 years ago
thanks lets have some fun.
10 years ago • 0 Like